Paper: The notion of a framework and a framework for LTC (at LICS 1988)
Authors: Paul F. Mendler Peter AczelAbstract
A precise notion of a formal framework, meant to capture the intuition of an open-ended range of deductive interpreted languages, is proposed. A particular framework called the logical theory of constructions (LTC) is developed as an example. A series of languages in the LTC framework is defined, demonstrating how a language can be thought of as gradually evolving
@InProceedings{MendlerAczel-Thenotionofaframewo, author = {Paul F. Mendler and Peter Aczel}, title = {The notion of a framework and a framework for LTC}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third Annual IEEE Symp. on Logic in Computer Science, {LICS} 1988}, year = 1988, editor = {Yuri Gurevich}, month = {July}, pages = {392--399}, location = {Edinburgh, Scotland, UK}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press} }