Paper: Decomposability, decidability and axiomatisability for bisimulation equivalence on basic parallel processes (at LICS 1993)
Authors: Søren Christensen Yoram Hirshfeld Faron MollerAbstract
The authors prove the decidability of two subclasses of recursive processes involving a parallel composition operator with respect to bisimulation equivalence, namely, the so-called normed and live processes. To accomplish this, the authors first prove a unique decomposition result for (a generalization of) normed processes, in order to deduce a necessary cancellation law. The decidability proof leads to a complete axiomatization for these process classes
@InProceedings{ChristensenHirshfel-Decomposabilitydeci, author = {Søren Christensen and Yoram Hirshfeld and Faron Moller}, title = {Decomposability, decidability and axiomatisability for bisimulation equivalence on basic parallel processes }, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighth Annual IEEE Symp. on Logic in Computer Science, {LICS} 1993}, year = 1993, editor = {Moshe Vardi}, month = {June}, pages = {386--396}, location = {Montreal, Canada}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press} }