Paper: On the Verification of Broadcast Protocols (at LICS 1999)
Authors: Javier Esparza Alain Finkel Richard MayrAbstract
We analyze the model-checking problems for safety and liveness properties in parameterized broadcast protocols, a model introduced in [Emerson,Namjoshi, LICS'98]. We show that the procedure suggested in [Emerson,Namjoshi, LICS'98] for safety properties may not terminate, whereas termination is guaranteed for the procedure of [Abdulla, Cerans, Jonnson, Tsay, LICS'96] based on upward closed sets. We show that the model-checking problem for liveness properties is undecidable. In fact, even the problem of deciding if a broadcast protocol may exhibit an infinite behavior is undecidable.
@InProceedings{EsparzaFinkelMayr-OntheVerificationof, author = {Javier Esparza and Alain Finkel and Richard Mayr}, title = {On the Verification of Broadcast Protocols}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual IEEE Symp. on Logic in Computer Science, {LICS} 1999}, year = 1999, editor = {Giuseppe Longo}, month = {July}, pages = {352--359}, location = {Trento, Italy}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press} }