Fourteenth Annual IEEE Symposium on

Logic in Computer Science (LICS 1999)

Paper: Weak Bisimulation and Open Maps (at LICS 1999)

Authors: Marcelo Fiore Gian Luca Cattani Glynn Winskel


A systematic treatment of weak bisimulation and observational congruence on presheaf models is presented. The theory is developed with respect to a "hiding" functor from a category of paths to observable paths. Via a view of processes as bundles, we are able to account for weak morphisms (roughly only required to preserve observable paths) and to derive a saturation monad (on the category of presheaves over the category of paths). Weak morphisms may be encoded as strong ones via the Kleisli construction associated to the saturation monad. A general notion of weak open-map bisimulation is introduced, and results relating various notions of strong and weak bisimulation are provided. The abstract theory is accompanied by the concrete study of two key models for concurrency, the interleaving model of synchronisation trees and the independence model of labelled event structures.


    author = 	 {Marcelo Fiore and Gian Luca Cattani and Glynn Winskel},
    title = 	 {Weak Bisimulation and Open Maps},
    booktitle =  {Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual IEEE Symp. on Logic in Computer Science, {LICS} 1999},
    year =	 1999,
    editor =	 {Giuseppe Longo},
    month =	 {July}, 
    pages =      {67--76},
    location =   {Trento, Italy}, 
    publisher =	 {IEEE Computer Society Press}