Paper: Definability on a Random 3-CNF Formula (at LICS 2005)
Authors: Albert AtseriasAbstract
We consider the question of certifying unsatisfiability of random 3-CNF formulas. At which densities can we hope for a simple sufficient condition for unsatisfiability that holds almost surely? We study this question from the point of view of definability theory. The main result is that first-order logic cannot express any sufficient condition that holds almost surely on random 3-CNF formulas with n2-a clauses, for any irrational positive number a. In contrast, it can when the number of clauses is n2+a, for any positive a. As an intermediate step, our proof exploits the planted distribution for 3-CNF formulas in a new technical way. Moreover, the proof requires us to extend the methods of Shelah and Spencer for proving the zero-one law for sparse random graphs to arbitrary relational languages.
@InProceedings{Atserias-DefinabilityonaRand, author = {Albert Atserias}, title = {Definability on a Random 3-CNF Formula}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual IEEE Symp. on Logic in Computer Science, {LICS} 2005}, year = 2005, editor = {Prakash Panangaden}, month = {June}, pages = {458--466}, location = {Chicago, USA}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press} }