Proceedings and Papers of the TYPES BRA
The following proceedings of workshops are available.
- 1990 (Antibes).
- Proceedings of the First Workshop on Logical Frameworks.
postscript (1020K) or
dvi (643K) format.
- 1991 (Edinburgh).
- Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Logical Frameworks.
postscript (853K) or
dvi (527K) format.
- 1992 (Båstad).
- Proceedings of the 1992 Workshop on Types for Proofs
and Programs.
postscript (816K) or
dvi (493K) format.
- 1993 (Nijmegen).
- Informal Proceedings of the 1993 Workshop on Types for
Proofs and Programs.
postscript (912K) or
dvi (559K) format.
The following papers are available about the Basic Research Action.
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Last updated on 21 April 1996 by
Healfdene Goguen