Paper: Extending the lambda calculus with surjective pairing is conservative (at LICS 1989)
Authors: De Vrijer, R.Abstract
Consideration is given to the equational theory λπ of lambda calculus extended with constants π, π0, π1 and axioms for subjective pairing: π0(πXY)=X, π1(πXY)=Y, π(π0X )(π1X)=X. The reduction system that one obtains by reading the equations are reductions (from left to right) is not Church-Rosser. Despite this failure, the author obtains a syntactic consistency proof of λπ and shows that it is a conservative extension of the pure λ calculus
@InProceedings{DeVrijer-Extendingthelambdac, author = {De Vrijer, R.}, title = {Extending the lambda calculus with surjective pairing is conservative }, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth Annual IEEE Symp. on Logic in Computer Science, {LICS} 1989}, year = 1989, editor = {Rohit Parikh}, month = {June}, pages = {204--215}, location = {Pacific Grove, CA, USA}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press} }