Paper: Linear logic, totality and full completeness (at LICS 1994)
Authors: Ralph LoaderAbstract
I give a `totality space' model for linear logic [4] derived by taking an abstract view of computations on a datatype. The model has similarities with both the coherence space model and game-theoretic models, but is based upon a notion of total object. Using this model, I prove a full completeness result. In other words, I show that the mapping of proofs to their interpretations (here collections of total objects uniform for a given functor) in the model is a surjection
@InProceedings{Loader-Linearlogictotality, author = {Ralph Loader}, title = {Linear logic, totality and full completeness}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Ninth Annual IEEE Symp. on Logic in Computer Science, {LICS} 1994}, year = 1994, editor = {Samson Abramsky}, month = {July}, pages = {292--298}, location = {Paris, France}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press} }