Ninth Annual IEEE Symposium on

Logic in Computer Science (LICS 1994)

1994-07-04 to 1994-07-07, Paris, France

On this page:

Invited Speakers

Presented Papers

Entries are ordered by surname of first author


General Chair

Robert L. Constable

Program Chair

Samson Abramsky

Conference Chair

Gerard Huet

Jean-Pierre Jouannaud

Publicity Chair

Amy Felty

Douglas Howe

Program Committee:

S. Abramsky (Imperial Coll.); J.-J. Levy (INRIA); K. Apt (CWI); D. McAllester (MIT); H. Ganzinger (MPI Saarbrucken); P. Panangaden (McGill); C. Gunter (Univ. of Pennsylvania); F. Pfenning (CMU); A. Jung (Darmstadt); V. Pratt (Stanford); P. Kannelakis (Brown); P. Schroeder-Heister (Tubingen); D. Kozen (Cornell); C. Stirling (Edinburgh); D. Leivant (Indiana); G. Winskel (Aarhus)

Organizing Committee

M. Abadi; S. Abramsky; S. Artemov; A. Borodin; A. Bundy; S. Buss; E. Clarke; R. Constable; A. Felty; U. Goltz; Y. Gurevich; S. Hayashi; D. Howe; G. Huet; J.-P. Jouannaud; D. Kapur; C. Kirchner; P. Kolatis; R. Kosaraju; D. Kozen; D. Leivant; A. R. Meyer; D. Miller; J. Mitchell; Y. Moschovakis; M. Okada; P. Panagaden; A. Pitts; G. Plotkin; J. Remmel; S. Ronchi della Rocca; G. Rozenberg; A. Scedrov; D. Scott; J. Tiuryn; M. Y. Vardi