Authors on this page:
- Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh
- Shumel Safra
- Yehoshua Sagiv
- Mooly Sagiv
- Ildikó Sain
- Antonino Salibra
- Sylvain Salvati
- Anne Salvesen
- Ivano Salvo
- Anders Sandholm
- Sangiorgi, D.
- Davide Sangiorgi
- Sannella, D.
- Luigi Santocanale
- Ahmed Saoudi
- Saraswat, V.
- Vijay Saraswat
- Vladimiro Sassone
- V. Sassone
- A. Saurin
- Alexis Saurin
- Bassem Sayrafi
- Andre Scedrov
- Scedrov, A.
- A. Scedrov
- Andrea Schalk
- C. Scharff
- Sven Schewe
- John S. Schlipf
- J. P. Schmidt
- Manfred Schmidt-Schauß
- Robert R. Schneck
- Fred B. Schneider
- M. Schneider
- Philippe Schnoebelen
- Peter Schroeder-Heister
- Paul E. Schupp
- Schwarz, G.
- Nicole Schweikardt
- Thomas Schwentick
- H. Schwichtenberg
- Helmut Schwichtenberg
- J. Schwinghammer
- Philip J. Scott
- Scott, D.S.
- Scott, D.
- Elizabeth Scott
- Dana S. Scott
- Philip Scott
- R. A. G. Seely
- Luc Segoufin
- Helmut Seidl
- Sekar, R.C.
- Jerry Seligman
- Peter Selinger
- Bart Selman
- Géraud Senizergues
- Amilcar Sernadas
- Sanjit A. Seshia
- Seth, A.
- Anil Seth
- Peter Sewell
- Natarajan Shankar
- N. Shankar
- Zhong Shao
- Ehud Y. Shapiro
- Shapiro, E.
- Ehud Shapiro
- Saharon Shelah
- R. Sherman
- Nikolay Shilov
- V. Shmatikov
- Yoav Shoham
- Richard A. Shore
- J. Shultis
- Sifakis, J.
- Joseph Sifakis
- Alex K. Simpson
- Alex Simpson
- A. P. Sistla
- A. Prasad Sistla
- Giora Slutzki
- Scott Fraser Smith
- Scott F. Smith
- Jan M. Smith
- Smolka, S.A.
- Scott Smolka
- Scott A. Smolka
- Wayne Snyder
- Pawel Sobocinski
- Oleg Sokolsky
- Sylvain Soliman
- S. Soliman
- Sergei Soloviev
- S. Soloviev
- Michael Soltys
- Frances Spalding
- Srinivasan, J.
- Stark, E.W.
- Robert Stark
- Ian Stark
- Eugene W. Stark
- I. D. B. Stark
- Richard Statman
- Rick Statman
- Statman, R.
- Kjartan Stefansson
- Steffen, B.
- Frank Stephan
- Colin Stirling
- Stolboushkin, A.P.
- Stolboushkin, A.
- Alexei Stolboushkin
- Alexei P. Stolboushkin
- Scott D. Stoller
- Viggo Stoltenberg-Hansen
- Allen Stoughton
- Lutz Strassburger
- T. Streicher
- Thomas Streicher
- Peter J. Stuckey
- Aaron Stump
- Ramesh Subrahmanyam
- Dan Suciu
- M. Suonio
- WiesławSzwast
- Wieslaw Szwast
Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh
- Short Presentation: Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh
Quantales for Reasoning about Security Protocols (LICS 2005) More Information...
Shumel Safra
- Paper: Orna Kupferman Shumel Safra Moshe Y. Vardi
Relating word and tree automata (LICS 1996) More Information...
Yehoshua Sagiv
- Paper: Haim Gaifman Harry Mairson Yehoshua Sagiv Moshe Y. Vardi
Undecidable Optimization Problems for Database Logic Programs (LICS 1987) More Information...
Mooly Sagiv
- Paper: Thomas Reps Alexey Loginov Mooly Sagiv
Semantic Minimization of 3-Valued Propositional Formulae (LICS 2002) More Information...
Ildikó Sain
- Paper: Johann A. Makowsky Ildikó Sain
On the Equivalence of Weak Second Order and Nonstandard Time Semantics For Various Program Verification Systems (LICS 1986) More Information...
Antonino Salibra
- Paper: Antonino Salibra
A Continuum of Theories of Lambda Calculus without Semantics (LICS 2001) More Information... - Paper: Antonio Bucciarelli Antonino Salibra
The Sensible Graph Theories of Lambda Calculus (LICS 2004) More Information...
Sylvain Salvati
- Paper: Philippe de Groote Bruno Guillaume Sylvain Salvati
Vector Addition Tree Automata (LICS 2004) More Information...
Anne Salvesen
- Paper: Anne Salvesen Jan M. Smith
The strength of the subset type in Martin-Lof's type theory (LICS 1988) More Information...
Ivano Salvo
- Paper: Antonio Bucciarelli Silvia de Lorenzis Adolfo Piperno Ivano Salvo
Some Computational Properties of Intersection Types (LICS 1999) More Information...
Anders Sandholm
- Paper: Jon G. Riecke Anders Sandholm
A Relational Account of Call-by-Value Sequentially (LICS 1997) More Information...
Sangiorgi, D.
- Paper: Sangiorgi, D.
The lazy lambda calculus in a concurrency scenario (LICS 1992) More Information...
Davide Sangiorgi
- Paper: Benjamin Pierce Davide Sangiorgi
Typing and subtyping for mobile processes (LICS 1993) More Information... - Paper: Marcelo .P. Fiore Eugenio Moggi Davide Sangiorgi
A Fully-Abstract Model for the pi-calculus (Extended Abstract) (LICS 1996) More Information... - Paper: Michele Boreale Davide Sangiorgi
Bisimulation in Name-Passing Calculi without Matching (LICS 1998) More Information... - Paper: Daniel Hirschkoff
Etienne Lozes Davide Sangiorgi
Separability, expressiveness, and decidability in the Ambient Logic (LICS 2002) More Information... - Invited Talk: Davide Sangiorgi
Bisimulation: From The Origins to Today (LICS 2004) More Information...
Sannella, D.
- Paper: Harper, R. Sannella, D. Tarlecki, A.
Structure and representation in LF (LICS 1989) More Information...
Luigi Santocanale
- Paper: Luigi Santocanale
Completions of µ-algebras (LICS 2005) More Information...
Ahmed Saoudi
- Paper: David E. Muller Ahmed Saoudi Paul E. Schupp
Weak alternating automata give a simple explanation of why most temporal and dynamic logics are decidable in exponential time (LICS 1988) More Information...
Saraswat, V.
- Paper: Saraswat, V.
The category of constraint systems is Cartesian-closed (LICS 1992) More Information...
Vijay Saraswat
- Paper: Vijay Saraswat Radha Jagadeesan Vineet Gupta
Foundations of timed concurrent constraint programming (LICS 1994) More Information...
Vladimiro Sassone
- Paper: Gian Luca Cattani Vladimiro Sassone
Higher Dimensional Transition Systems (LICS 1996) More Information... - Paper: Vladimiro Sassone Pawel Sobocinski
Reactive Systems over Cospans (LICS 2005) More Information...
V. Sassone
- Short Presentation: J. C. Godskesen T. Hildebrandt V. Sassone
An Overview of MR, a Calculus of Mobile Resources (LICS 2002) More Information...
A. Saurin
- Short Presentation: A. Saurin
Separation and the Lambdamu-Calculus (LICS 2004) More Information...
Alexis Saurin
- Paper: Alexis Saurin
Separation with Streams in the ?µ-calculus (LICS 2005) More Information...
Bassem Sayrafi
- Short Presentation: Bassem Sayrafi Dirk Van Gucht Marc Gyssens
Measures and Measure-Based Constraints (LICS 2005) More Information...
Andre Scedrov
- Paper: Dale Miller Gopalan Nadathur Andre Scedrov
Hereditary Harrop Formulas and Uniform Proof Systems (LICS 1987) More Information... - Paper: Peter Freyd Andre Scedrov
Some Semantic Aspects of Polymorphic Lambda Calculus (LICS 1987) More Information... - Paper: Peter J. Freyd Jean-Yves Girard Andre Scedrov Philip J. Scott
Semantic parametricity in polymorphic lambda calculus (LICS 1988) More Information... - Paper: Patrick Lincoln Andre Scedrov Natarajan Shankar
Linearizing intuitionistic implication (LICS 1991) More Information... - Paper: Patrick Lincoln Natarajan Shankar Andre Scedrov
Decision Problems For Second-Order Linear Logic (LICS 1995) More Information...
Scedrov, A.
- Paper: Breazu-Tannen, V. Coquand, T. Gunter, C.A. Scedrov, A.
Inheritance and explicit coercion (LICS 1989) More Information... - Paper: Nerode, A. Remmel, J.B. Scedrov, A.
Polynomially graded logic I. A graded version of system T (LICS 1989) More Information...
A. Scedrov
- Invited Talk: J. Mitchell A. Ramanathan V. Teague A. Scedrov
Probabilistic Polynomial-Time Process Calculus and Security Protocol Analysis (LICS 2001) More Information...
Andrea Schalk
- Paper: Martin Hyland Andrea Schalk
Games on Graphs and Sequentially Realizable Functionals (LICS 2002) More Information...
C. Scharff
- Short Presentation: C. Lynch C. Scharff
Basic Completion Modulo with Simplification (LICS 2001) More Information...
Sven Schewe
- Paper: Bernd Finkbeiner Sven Schewe
Uniform Distributed Synthesis (LICS 2005) More Information...
John S. Schlipf
- Paper: John S. Schlipf
How Uncomputable is General Circumscription? (Extended Abstract) (LICS 1986) More Information...
J. P. Schmidt
- Paper: D. Harel A. Pnueli J. P. Schmidt R. Sherman
On the Formal Semantics of Statecharts (Extended Abstract) (LICS 1987) More Information...
Manfred Schmidt-Schauß
- Paper: Alexandre Boudet Jean-Pierre Jouannaud Manfred Schmidt-Schauß
Unification in free extensions of Boolean rings and Abelian groups (LICS 1988) More Information...
Robert R. Schneck
- Paper: George C. Necula Robert R. Schneck
A Sound Framework for Untrusted Verification-Condition Generators (LICS 2003) More Information...
Fred B. Schneider
- Paper: Bowen Alpern Fred B. Schneider
Proving Boolean Combinations of Deterministic Properties (LICS 1987) More Information...
M. Schneider
- Short Presentation: L. Bauer M. Schneider E. Felten
A proof-Carrying Authorization System (LICS 2001) More Information...
Philippe Schnoebelen
- Paper: François Laroussinie Nicolas Markey Philippe Schnoebelen
Temporal Logic with Forgettable Past (LICS 2002) More Information...
Peter Schroeder-Heister
- Paper: Peter Schroeder-Heister
Rules of definitional reflection (LICS 1993) More Information...
Paul E. Schupp
- Paper: Dominique Perrin Paul E. Schupp
Automata on the Integers, Recurrence Distinguishability, and the Equivalence and Decidability of Monadic Theories (LICS 1986) More Information... - Paper: David E. Muller Ahmed Saoudi Paul E. Schupp
Weak alternating automata give a simple explanation of why most temporal and dynamic logics are decidable in exponential time (LICS 1988) More Information...
Schwarz, G.
- Paper: Schwarz, G.
Minimal model semantics for nonmonotonic modal logics (LICS 1992) More Information...
Nicole Schweikardt
- Paper: David A. Mix Barrington Neil Immerman Clemens Lautemann Nicole Schweikardt Denis Thérien
The Crane Beach Conjecture (LICS 2001) More Information... - Paper: Martin Grohe Nicole Schweikardt
The Succinctness of First-Order Logic on Linear Orders (LICS 2004) More Information...
Thomas Schwentick
- Paper: Michael Benedikt Leonid Libkin Thomas Schwentick Luc Segoufin
A Model-Theoretic Approach to Regular String Relations (LICS 2001) More Information...
H. Schwichtenberg
- Paper: U. Berger H. Schwichtenberg
An inverse of the evaluation functional for typed λ-calculus (LICS 1991) More Information...
Helmut Schwichtenberg
- Paper: Klaus Aehlig Helmut Schwichtenberg
A Syntactical Analysis of Non-Size-Increasing Polynomial Time Computation (LICS 2000) More Information...
J. Schwinghammer
- Short Presentation: M. Bodirsky M. Gaertner T. von Oertzen J. Schwinghammer
Computing the Density of Regular Languages (LICS 2001) More Information...
Philip J. Scott
- Paper: Peter J. Freyd Jean-Yves Girard Andre Scedrov Philip J. Scott
Semantic parametricity in polymorphic lambda calculus (LICS 1988) More Information...
Scott, D.S.
- Invited Talk: Scott, D.S.
Domains and logics (LICS 1989) More Information...
Scott, D.
- Paper: Freyd, P. Mulry, P. Rosolini, G. Scott, D.
Extensional PERs (LICS 1990) More Information...
Elizabeth Scott
- Paper: Ursula Martin Elizabeth Scott
The order types of termination orderings on monadic terms, strings and multisets (LICS 1993) More Information...
Dana S. Scott
- Paper: Lars Birkedal Aurelio Carboni Giuseppe Rosolini Dana S. Scott
Type Theory via Exact Categories (LICS 1998) More Information...
Philip Scott
- Paper: Thorsten Altenkirch Peter Dybjer Martin Hofmann Philip Scott
Normalization by Evaluation for Typed Lambda Calculus with Coproducts (LICS 2001) More Information...
R. A. G. Seely
- Paper: R. A. G. Seely
Modelling Computations: A 2-Categorical Framework (LICS 1987) More Information...
Luc Segoufin
- Paper: Martin Grohe Luc Segoufin
On First-Order Topological Queries (LICS 2000) More Information... - Paper: Michael Benedikt Leonid Libkin Thomas Schwentick Luc Segoufin
A Model-Theoretic Approach to Regular String Relations (LICS 2001) More Information...
Helmut Seidl
- Paper: Helmut Seidl
A Modal Mu-Calculus for Durational Transition Systems (LICS 1996) More Information...
Sekar, R.C.
- Paper: Sekar, R.C. Ramakrishnan, I.V.
Programming in equational logic: beyond strong sequentiality (LICS 1990) More Information...
Jerry Seligman
- Invited Talk: Jon Barwise Jerry Seligman
Imperfect information flow (LICS 1993) More Information...
Peter Selinger
- Paper: Peter Selinger
Order-Incompleteness and Finite Lambda Models, Extended Abstract (LICS 1996) More Information...
Bart Selman
- Invited Talk: Bart Selman
Satisfiability Testing: Recent Developments and Challenge Problems (LICS 2000) More Information...
Géraud Senizergues
- Paper: Yuri Matiyasevich Géraud Senizergues
Decision Problems for Semi-Thue Systems with a Few Rules (LICS 1996) More Information...
Amilcar Sernadas
- Short Presentation: Paulo Mateus Amilcar Sernadas
Complete exogenous quantum propositional logic (LICS 2005) More Information...
Sanjit A. Seshia
- Paper: Sanjit A. Seshia Randal E. Bryant
Deciding Quantifier-Free Presburger Formulas Using Parameterized Solution Bounds (LICS 2004) More Information...
Seth, A.
- Paper: Seth, A.
There is no recursive axiomatization for feasible functionals of type 2 (LICS 1992) More Information...
Anil Seth
- Paper: Anil Seth
Some desirable conditions for feasible functionals of type 2 (LICS 1993) More Information... - Paper: Anil Seth
When do Fixed Point Logics Capture Complexity Classes? (LICS 1995) More Information... - Paper: Anuj Dawar Lauri Hella Anil Seth
Ordering Finite Variable Types with Generalized Quantifiers (LICS 1998) More Information...
Peter Sewell
- Paper: Peter Sewell
Bisimulation is not finitely (first order) equationally axiomatisable (LICS 1994) More Information... - Paper: Gian Luca Cattani Peter Sewell
Models for Name-Passing Processes: Interleaving and Causal (LICS 2000) More Information...
Natarajan Shankar
- Paper: Patrick Lincoln Andre Scedrov Natarajan Shankar
Linearizing intuitionistic implication (LICS 1991) More Information... - Paper: Patrick Lincoln Natarajan Shankar Andre Scedrov
Decision Problems For Second-Order Linear Logic (LICS 1995) More Information... - Paper: Harald Rueß Natarajan Shankar
Deconstructing Shostak (LICS 2001) More Information... - Invited Talk: Natarajan Shankar
Little Engines of Proof (LICS 2002) More Information...
N. Shankar
- Paper: Patrick Lincoln N. Shankar
Proof search in first-order linear logic and other cut-free sequent calculi (LICS 1994) More Information... - Short Presentation: J. Ford I. A. Mason N. Shankar
Lessons Learned from Formal Developments in PVS (LICS 2002) More Information...
Zhong Shao
- Paper: Nadeem A. Hamid Zhong Shao Valery Trifonov Stefan Monnier Zhaozhong Ni
A Syntactic Approach to Foundational Proof-Carrying Code (LICS 2002) More Information...
Ehud Y. Shapiro
- Paper: Rob Gerth Michael Codish Yossi Lichtenstein Ehud Y. Shapiro
Fully abstract denotational semantics for flat Concurrent Prolog (LICS 1988) More Information...
Shapiro, E.
- Paper: Gaifman, H. Shapiro, E.
Proof theory and semantics of logic programs (LICS 1989) More Information...
Ehud Shapiro
- Paper: Thom Fruhwirth Ehud Shapiro Moshe Y. Vardi Eyal Yardeni
Logic programs as types for logic programs (LICS 1991) More Information...
Saharon Shelah
- Paper: Yuri Gurevich Neil Immerman Saharon Shelah
McColm's conjecture [positive elementary inductions] (LICS 1994) More Information... - Paper: Yuri Gurevich Saharon Shelah
Spectra of Monadic Second-Order Formulas with One Unary Function (LICS 2003) More Information...
R. Sherman
- Paper: D. Harel A. Pnueli J. P. Schmidt R. Sherman
On the Formal Semantics of Statecharts (Extended Abstract) (LICS 1987) More Information...
Nikolay Shilov
- Short Presentation: Hyunjun Eo Seunghwan O Nikolay Shilov
Finite game semantics for Propositional Program Logics (LICS 2005) More Information...
V. Shmatikov
- Paper: H. Comon-Lundh V. Shmatikov
Intruder Deductions, Constraint Solving and Insecurity Decision in Presence of Exclusive or (LICS 2003) More Information...
Yoav Shoham
- Paper: Joseph Y. Halpern Yoav Shoham
A Propositional Model Logic of Time Intervals (LICS 1986) More Information... - Paper: Yoav Shoham
A Semantical Approach to Nonmonotonic Logics (LICS 1987) More Information...
Richard A. Shore
- Invited Talk: Joseph Y. Halpern Richard A. Shore
Reasoning About Common Knowledge with Infinitely Many Agents (LICS 1999) More Information...
J. Shultis
- Paper: J. Shultis
The Design and Implementations of Intuit (LICS 1986) More Information...
Sifakis, J.
- Paper: Henzinger, T.A. Nicollin, X. Sifakis, J. Yovine, S.
Symbolic model checking for real-time systems (LICS 1992) More Information...
Joseph Sifakis
- Paper: Ahmed Bouajjani Rachid Echahed Joseph Sifakis
On model checking for real-time properties with durations (LICS 1993) More Information...
Alex K. Simpson
- Paper: Alex K. Simpson
Compositionality via Cut-Elimination: Hennessy-Milner Logic for an Arbitrary GSOS (LICS 1995) More Information... - Paper: Alex K. Simpson
Elementary Axioms for Categories of Classes (LICS 1999) More Information... - Paper: Martín H. Escardó Alex K. Simpson
A Universal Characterization of the Closed Euclidean Interval (LICS 2001) More Information...
Alex Simpson
- Paper: Alex Simpson Gordon Plotkin
Complete Axioms for Categorical Fixed-Point Operators (LICS 2000) More Information... - Paper: Alex Simpson
Computational Adequacy for Recursive Types in Models of Intuitionistic Set Theory (LICS 2002) More Information...
A. P. Sistla
- Paper: A. P. Sistla S. M. German
Reasoning with Many Processes (LICS 1987) More Information...
A. Prasad Sistla
- Paper: A. Prasad Sistla Lenore D. Zuck
On the Eventuality Operator in Temporal Logic (LICS 1987) More Information...
Giora Slutzki
- Paper: Clifford Bergman Giora Slutzki
Computational Complexity of Some Problems Involving Congruences on Algebras (LICS 2000) More Information...
Scott Fraser Smith
- Paper: Robert L. Constable Scott Fraser Smith
Partial Objects In Constructive Type Theory (LICS 1987) More Information...
Scott F. Smith
- Paper: Robert L. Constable Scott F. Smith
Computational foundations of basic recursive function theory (LICS 1988) More Information...
Jan M. Smith
- Paper: Anne Salvesen Jan M. Smith
The strength of the subset type in Martin-Lof's type theory (LICS 1988) More Information...
Smolka, S.A.
- Paper: van Glabbeek, R. Smolka, S.A. Steffen, B. Tofts, C.M.N.
Reactive, generative, and stratified models of probabilistic processes (LICS 1990) More Information...
Scott Smolka
- Paper: Shipei Zhang Oleg Sokolsky Scott Smolka
On the parallel complexity of model checking in the modal mu-calculus (LICS 1994) More Information...
Scott A. Smolka
- Paper: Eugene W. Stark Scott A. Smolka
Compositional Analysis of Expected Delays in Networks of Probabilistic I/O Automata (LICS 1998) More Information...
Wayne Snyder
- Paper: Jean H. Gallier Stan Raatz Wayne Snyder
Theorem Proving Using Rigid E-Unification Equational Matings (LICS 1987) More Information... - Paper: Jean H. Gallier Wayne Snyder Paliath Narendran David A. Plaisted
Rigid E-unification is NP-complete (LICS 1988) More Information...
Pawel Sobocinski
- Paper: Vladimiro Sassone Pawel Sobocinski
Reactive Systems over Cospans (LICS 2005) More Information...
Oleg Sokolsky
- Paper: Shipei Zhang Oleg Sokolsky Scott Smolka
On the parallel complexity of model checking in the modal mu-calculus (LICS 1994) More Information...
Sylvain Soliman
- Paper: François Fages Paul Ruet Sylvain Soliman
Phase Semantics and Verification of Concurrent Constraint Programs (LICS 1998) More Information...
S. Soliman
- Short Presentation: S. Soliman
CLP Implementation of a Phase Model Checker (LICS 2002) More Information...
Sergei Soloviev
- Paper: Giuseppe Longo Kathleen Milsted Sergei Soloviev
The genericity theorem and the notion of parametricity in the polymorphic λ-calculus (LICS 1993) More Information...
S. Soloviev
- Paper: G. Loop K. Milsted S. Soloviev
A logic of subtyping (LICS 1995) More Information...
Michael Soltys
- Paper: Michael Soltys Stephen Cook
The Proof Complexity of Linear Algebra (LICS 2002) More Information...
Frances Spalding
- Paper: Limin Jia Frances Spalding David Walker Neal Glew
Certifying Compilation for a Language with Stack Allocation (LICS 2005) More Information...
Srinivasan, J.
- Paper: Emerson, E.A. Evangelist, M. Srinivasan, J.
On the limits of efficient temporal decidability (LICS 1990) More Information...
Stark, E.W.
- Paper: Stark, E.W.
A calculus of dataflow networks (LICS 1992) More Information...
Robert Stark
- Paper: Robert Stark
The declarative semantics of the Prolog selection rule (LICS 1994) More Information...
Ian Stark
- Paper: Ian Stark
A Fully Abstract Domain Model for the pi-Calculus (LICS 1996) More Information...
Eugene W. Stark
- Paper: Eugene W. Stark Scott A. Smolka
Compositional Analysis of Expected Delays in Networks of Probabilistic I/O Automata (LICS 1998) More Information...
I. D. B. Stark
- Paper: S. Abramsky D. R. Ghica A. S. Murawski C.-H. L. Ong I. D. B. Stark
Nominal Games and Full Abstraction for the Nu-Calculus (LICS 2004) More Information...
Richard Statman
- Paper: Richard Statman
On Translating Lambda Terms into Combinators; The Basis Problem (LICS 1986) More Information... - Paper: Paliath Narendran Frank Pfenning Richard Statman
On the unification problem for Cartesian closed categories (LICS 1993) More Information... - Paper: Richard Statman
On the lambda Y calculus (LICS 2002) More Information... - Paper: Benedetto Intrigila Richard Statman
The Omega Rule is II_2^0-Hard in the λβ-Calculus (LICS 2004) More Information...
Rick Statman
- Paper: Rick Statman
Freyd's hierarchy of combinator monoids (LICS 1991) More Information...
Statman, R.
- Paper: de'Liguoro, U. Piperno, A. Statman, R.
Retracts in simply type λβη-calculus (LICS 1992) More Information...
Kjartan Stefansson
- Paper: Kjartan Stefansson
Systems of set constraints with negative constraints are NEXPTIME-complete (LICS 1994) More Information...
Steffen, B.
- Paper: van Glabbeek, R. Smolka, S.A. Steffen, B. Tofts, C.M.N.
Reactive, generative, and stratified models of probabilistic processes (LICS 1990) More Information... - Paper: Cleaveland, R. Steffen, B.
When is `partial' adequate? A logic-based proof technique using partial specifications (LICS 1990) More Information...
Frank Stephan
- Paper: Bakhadyr Khoussainov Sasha Rubin Frank Stephan
On Automatic Partial Orders (LICS 2003) More Information... - Paper: Bakhadyr Khoussainov Andre Nies Sasha Rubin Frank Stephan
Automatic Structures: Richness and Limitations (LICS 2004) More Information...
Colin Stirling
- Paper: Hans Hüttel Colin Stirling
Actions speak louder than words: proving bisimilarity for context-free processes (LICS 1991) More Information... - Paper: Henrik Reif Andersen Colin Stirling Glynn Winskel
A compositional proof system for the modal μ-calculus (LICS 1994) More Information... - Paper: Martin Lange Colin Stirling
Focus Games for Satisfiability and Completeness of Temporal Logic (LICS 2001) More Information...
Stolboushkin, A.P.
- Paper: Stolboushkin, A.P.
Some complexity bounds for dynamic logics (LICS 1989) More Information...
Stolboushkin, A.
- Paper: Stolboushkin, A.
Axiomatizable classes of finite models and definability of linear order (LICS 1992) More Information...
Alexei Stolboushkin
- Paper: Damien Niwinski Alexei Stolboushkin
y=2x vs. y=3x (LICS 1993) More Information...
Alexei P. Stolboushkin
- Paper: Alexei P. Stolboushkin
Finitely Monotone Properties (LICS 1995) More Information...
Scott D. Stoller
- Paper: Scott D. Stoller
A Bound on Attacks on Payment Protocols (LICS 2001) More Information...
Viggo Stoltenberg-Hansen
- Paper: Erik Palmgren Viggo Stoltenberg-Hansen
Logically Presented Domains (LICS 1995) More Information...
Allen Stoughton
- Paper: Allen Stoughton
Parallel PCF has a unique extensional model (LICS 1991) More Information...
Lutz Strassburger
- Paper: Francois Lamarche Lutz Strassburger
Constructing Free Boolean Categories (LICS 2005) More Information...
T. Streicher
- Paper: Y. Lafont T. Streicher
Games semantics for linear logic (LICS 1991) More Information...
Thomas Streicher
- Paper: Martin Hofmann Thomas Streicher
The groupoid model refutes uniqueness of identity proofs (LICS 1994) More Information... - Paper: Thorsten Altenkirch Martin Hofmann Thomas Streicher
Reduction-free normalisation for a polymorphic system (LICS 1996) More Information... - Paper: Martin Hotzel Escardo Thomas Streicher
Induction and recursion on the partial real line via biquotients of bifree algebras (LICS 1997) More Information... - Paper: Martin Hofmann Thomas Streicher
Continuation models are universal for lambda-mu-calculus (LICS 1997) More Information... - Paper: Michael Marz Alexander Rohr Thomas Streicher
Full Abstraction and Universality via Realisability (LICS 1999) More Information... - Paper: Bernhard Reus Thomas Streicher
Semantics and Logic of Object Calculi (LICS 2002) More Information...
Peter J. Stuckey
- Paper: Peter J. Stuckey
Constructive negation for constraint logic programming (LICS 1991) More Information...
Aaron Stump
- Paper: Aaron Stump Clark W. Barrett David L. Dill Jeremy Levitt
A Decision Procedure for an Extensional Theory of Arrays (LICS 2001) More Information...
Ramesh Subrahmanyam
- Paper: Daniel J. Dougherty Ramesh Subrahmanyam
Equality Between Functionals in the Presence of Coproducts (LICS 1995) More Information...
Dan Suciu
- Paper: Noga Alon Tova Milo Frank Neven Dan Suciu Victor Vianu
Typechecking XML Views of Relational Databases (LICS 2001) More Information...
M. Suonio
- Short Presentation: A. Dawar L. Hella M. Suonio
On Abiteboul-Vianu Theorem for Fixed-Point Logics with Generalized Quantifiers (LICS 2004) More Information...
- Paper: Leszek Pacholski WiesławSzwast
On the 0-1 law for the class of existential second order minimal Godel sentences with equality (LICS 1991) More Information...
Wieslaw Szwast
- Paper: Leszek Pacholski Wieslaw Szwast Lidia Tendera
Complexity of Two-Variable Logic with Counting (LICS 1997) More Information... - Paper: Wieslaw Szwast Lidia Tendera
On the Decision Problem for the Guarded Fragment with Transitivity (LICS 2001) More Information...