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Invited Speakers
- Pratt, V.:
Origins of the calculus of binary relationsMore Information... - Wing, J.M.:
Specifications in software developmentMore Information...
Presented Papers
Entries are ordered by surname of first author
- Abramsky, S. Jagadeesan, R.:
New foundations for the geometry of interactionMore Information... - Aceto, L. Bloom, B. Vaandrager, F.:
Turning SOS rules into equationsMore Information... - Aiken, A. Wimmers, E.L.:
Solving systems of set constraintsMore Information... - Caucal, D.:
Monadic theory of term rewritingsMore Information... - Clote, P.:
Cutting planes and constant depth Frege proofsMore Information... - Comon, H. Haberstrau, M. Jouannaud, J.-P.:
Decidable problems in shallow equational theoriesMore Information... - Curien, P.-L.:
Observable algorithms on concrete data structuresMore Information... - de Boer, F.S. Klop, J.W. Palamidessi, C.:
Asynchronous communication in process algebraMore Information... - de'Liguoro, U. Piperno, A. Statman, R.:
Retracts in simply type λβη-calculusMore Information... - Dowek, G.:
Third order matching is decidableMore Information... - Freyd, P.J. Robinson, E.P. Rosolini, G.:
Functional parametricityMore Information... - Fribourg, L.:
Mixing list recursion and arithmeticMore Information... - Geuvers, H.:
The Church-Rosser property for βη-reduction in typed λ-calculi More Information... - Gonthier, G. Levy, J.-J. Mellies, P.-A.:
An abstract standardisation theoremMore Information... - Gonthier, G. Abadi, M. Levy, J.-J.:
Linear logic without boxesMore Information... - Gradel, E. McColm, G.L.:
Deterministic vs. nondeterministic transitive closure logicMore Information... - Grove, A.J. Halpern, J.Y. Koller, D.:
Random worlds and maximum entropyMore Information... - Halpern, J.Y. Kapron, B.M.:
Zero-one laws for modal logicMore Information... - Hannan, J. Pfenning, F.:
Compiler verification in LFMore Information... - Heintze, N. Jaffar, J.:
An engine for logic program analysisMore Information... - Hella, L.:
Logical hierarchies in PTIMEMore Information... - Henzinger, T.A. Nicollin, X. Sifakis, J. Yovine, S.:
Symbolic model checking for real-time systemsMore Information... - Jensen, T.P.:
Disjunctive strictness analysisMore Information... - Kanovich, M.I.:
Horn programming in linear logic is NP-completeMore Information... - Kapur, D. Narendran, P.:
Double-exponential complexity of computing a complete set of AC-unifiers More Information... - Klarlund, N.:
Progress measures, immediate determinacy, and a subset construction for tree automata More Information... - Kolaitis, P.G. Vardi, M.Y.:
Fixpoint logic vs. infinitary logic in finite-model theoryMore Information... - Kolaitis, P.G. Vaananen, J.A.:
Generalized quantifiers and pebble games on finite structuresMore Information... - Lincoln, P. Mitchell, J.:
Operational aspects of linear lambda calculusMore Information... - Mason, I.A. Talcott, C.L.:
References, local variables and operational reasoningMore Information... - Murthy, C.R.:
A computational analysis of Girard's translation and LCMore Information... - Nakano, H.:
A constructive formalization of the catch and throw mechanismMore Information... - Sangiorgi, D.:
The lazy lambda calculus in a concurrency scenarioMore Information... - Saraswat, V.:
The category of constraint systems is Cartesian-closedMore Information... - Schwarz, G.:
Minimal model semantics for nonmonotonic modal logicsMore Information... - Seth, A.:
There is no recursive axiomatization for feasible functionals of type 2 More Information... - Stark, E.W.:
A calculus of dataflow networksMore Information... - Stolboushkin, A.:
Axiomatizable classes of finite models and definability of linear order More Information... - Talpin, J.-P. Jouvelot, P.:
The type and effect disciplineMore Information... - Tiuryn, J.:
Subtype inequalitiesMore Information... - Toyama, Y.:
Strong sequentiality of left-linear overlapping term rewriting systems More Information... - Ulidowski, I.:
Equivalences on observable processesMore Information...
General ChairProf. Robert L. Constable Program ChairAndre Scedrov Conference ChairProf. Phokion Kolaitis Publicity ChairProf. Daniel Leivant |
Program Committee:E. Börger (U. Pisa); R. Cleaveland (North Carolina State); S. Cook (U. Toronto); N. Dershowitz (U. Illinois); J.-Y. Girard (U. Paris 7); R. van Glabbeek (Stanford); S. Hayashi (Ryukoku); J. Hughes (U. Glasgow); N. Jones (U. Copenhagen); J.-L. Lassez (IBM T.J. Watson Ctr.); E. Moggi (U. Genova); A. Nerode (Cornell); F. Pereira (AT\&T Bell Laboratories); A. Scedrov (chair) (U. Pennsylvania); D. Scott (CMU); A. Tarlecki (Inst. C. S., PAN Warsaw); M. Vardi (IBM Almaden Ctr.) Organizing CommitteeM. Abadi; S. Artemov; J. Barwise; M. Blum; S. Buss; E. Clarke; R. Constable (chair); E. Engeler; J. Gallier; U. Goltz; Y. Gurevich; S. Hayashi; D. Johnson; G. Kahn; D. Kapur; J. W. Klop; P. Kolaitis; D. Leivant; A. Meyer; G. Mints; J. Mitchell; Y. Moschovakis; R. Parikh; A. Pitts; G. Plotkin; S. Ronchi Della Rocca; G. Rozenberg; A. Scedrov; D. Scott; J. Tiuryn; M. Vardi; R. de Vrijer |