Authors on this page:
- Murdoch Gabbay
- Maurizio Gabbrielli
- Fabio Gadducci
- M. Gaertner
- Haim Gaifman
- Gaifman, H.
- Jean H. Gallier
- Harald Ganzinger
- H. Ganzinger
- Xiao-Shan Gao
- Simon Gay
- Gehlot, V.
- M. Gehrke
- Steven M. German
- S. M. German
- Rob Gerth
- Geuvers, H.
- Herman Geuvers
- Giorgio Ghelli
- D. R. Ghica
- Giuseppe de Giacomo
- Paola Giannini
- Jean-Yves Girard
- Gischer, J.L.
- Robert Givan
- Neal Glew
- Gobel, R.
- Patrice Godefroid
- Guillem Godoy
- J. C. Godskesen
- Andreas Goerdt
- Goerdt, A.
- Joseph A. Goguen
- Goldman, K.J.
- Gonthier, G.
- Georges Gonthier
- Valentin Goranko
- M. J. C. Gordon
- Mike Gordon
- Evan Goris
- Georg Gottlob
- Jean Goubault
- Jean Goubault-Larrecq
- Michal Grabowski
- Gradel, E.
- Erich Gradel
- Erich Graedel
- Jonathan Grattage
- Timothy Griffin
- Martin Grohe
- Jan Friso Groote
- Marcus Grosser
- Grove, A.J.
- Stéphanie Grumbach
- Orna Grumberg
- Erich Grädel
- Stefano Guerrini
- Bruno Guillaume
- Carl A. Gunter
- Gunter, C.A.
- Gunter, C.
- Vineet Gupta
- Yuri Gurevich
- Arie Gurfinkel
- Gurr, D.
- Rune Gustavsson
- Guzman, J.C.
- Marc Gyssens
Murdoch Gabbay
- Paper: Murdoch Gabbay Andrew Pitts
A New Approach to Abstract Syntax Involving Binders (LICS 1999) More Information... - Paper: Murdoch Gabbay James Cheney
A Sequent Calculus for Nominal Logic (LICS 2004) More Information...
Maurizio Gabbrielli
- Paper: Moreno Falaschi Maurizio Gabbrielli Kim Marriott Catuscia Palamidessi
Compositional analysis for concurrent constraint programming (LICS 1993) More Information...
Fabio Gadducci
- Paper: Marino Miculan Fabio Gadducci
Modal µ-Types for Processes (LICS 1995) More Information...
M. Gaertner
- Short Presentation: M. Bodirsky M. Gaertner T. von Oertzen J. Schwinghammer
Computing the Density of Regular Languages (LICS 2001) More Information...
Haim Gaifman
- Paper: Haim Gaifman Vaughan R. Pratt
Partial Order Models of Concurrency and the Computation of Functions (LICS 1987) More Information... - Paper: Haim Gaifman Harry Mairson Yehoshua Sagiv Moshe Y. Vardi
Undecidable Optimization Problems for Database Logic Programs (LICS 1987) More Information...
Gaifman, H.
- Paper: Gaifman, H. Shapiro, E.
Proof theory and semantics of logic programs (LICS 1989) More Information...
Jean H. Gallier
- Paper: Jean H. Gallier Stan Raatz Wayne Snyder
Theorem Proving Using Rigid E-Unification Equational Matings (LICS 1987) More Information... - Paper: Jean H. Gallier Wayne Snyder Paliath Narendran David A. Plaisted
Rigid E-unification is NP-complete (LICS 1988) More Information...
Harald Ganzinger
- Paper: Leo Bachmair Harald Ganzinger Uwe Waldmann
Set constraints are the monadic class (LICS 1993) More Information... - Paper: Leo Bachmair Harald Ganzinger
Rewrite techniques for transitive relations (LICS 1994) More Information... - Paper: David Basin Harald Ganzinger
Complexity Analysis Based on Ordered Resolution (LICS 1996) More Information... - Paper: Harald Ganzinger
Relating Semantic and Proof-Theoretic Concepts for Polynomial Time Decidability of Uniform Word Problems (LICS 2001) More Information... - Paper: Harald Ganzinger Konstantin Korovin
New Directions in Instantiation-Based Theorem Proving (LICS 2003) More Information...
H. Ganzinger
- Paper: H. Ganzinger C. Meyer M. Veanes
The Two-Variable Guarded Fragment with Transitive Relations (LICS 1999) More Information... - Paper: H. Ganzinger H. de Nivelle
A Superposition Decision Procedure for the Guarded Fragment with Equality (LICS 1999) More Information...
Xiao-Shan Gao
- Paper: Shang-Ching Chou Xiao-Shan Gao Jing-Zhong Zhang
Automated production of traditional proofs for constructive geometry theorems (LICS 1993) More Information...
Simon Gay
- Paper: Simon Gay Rajagopal Nagarajan
A Typed Calculus of Synchronous Processes (LICS 1995) More Information...
Gehlot, V.
- Paper: Gehlot, V. Gunter, C.
Normal process representatives (LICS 1990) More Information...
M. Gehrke
- Short Presentation: A. Pogel G. Voutsadakis M. Gehrke
A Game involving Epistemic Logic and Probability (LICS 2001) More Information...
Steven M. German
- Paper: Steven M. German Edmund M. Clarke Joseph Y. Halpern
True Relative Completeness of an Axiom System for the Language L4 (Abridged) (LICS 1986) More Information...
S. M. German
- Paper: A. P. Sistla S. M. German
Reasoning with Many Processes (LICS 1987) More Information...
Rob Gerth
- Paper: Rob Gerth Michael Codish Yossi Lichtenstein Ehud Y. Shapiro
Fully abstract denotational semantics for flat Concurrent Prolog (LICS 1988) More Information...
Geuvers, H.
- Paper: Geuvers, H.
The Church-Rosser property for βη-reduction in typed λ-calculi (LICS 1992) More Information...
Herman Geuvers
- Paper: Franco Barbanera Maribel Fernandez Herman Geuvers
Modularity of strong normalization and confluence in the algebraic-λ-cube (LICS 1994) More Information... - Paper: Herman Geuvers Benjamin Werner
On the Church-Rosser property for expressive type systems and its consequences for their metatheoretic study (LICS 1994) More Information...
Giorgio Ghelli
- Paper: Dario Colazzo Giorgio Ghelli
Subtyping Recursive Types in Kernel Fun - Abstract (LICS 1999) More Information...
D. R. Ghica
- Paper: S. Abramsky D. R. Ghica A. S. Murawski C.-H. L. Ong I. D. B. Stark
Nominal Games and Full Abstraction for the Nu-Calculus (LICS 2004) More Information...
Giuseppe de Giacomo
- Paper: Diego Calvanese Giuseppe de Giacomo Maurizio Lenzerini Moshe Y. Vardi
View-Based Query Processing and Constraint Satisfaction (LICS 2000) More Information...
Paola Giannini
- Paper: Paola Giannini Simona Ronchi Della Rocca
Characterization of typings in polymorphic type discipline (LICS 1988) More Information...
Jean-Yves Girard
- Invited Talk: Jean-Yves Girard
Quantitative and Qualitative Semantics (LICS 1986) More Information... - Paper: Peter J. Freyd Jean-Yves Girard Andre Scedrov Philip J. Scott
Semantic parametricity in polymorphic lambda calculus (LICS 1988) More Information...
Gischer, J.L.
- Paper: Gischer, J.L.
A small universal model for system executions (LICS 1989) More Information...
Robert Givan
- Paper: David A. McAllester Robert Givan Carl Witty Dexter Kozen
Tarskian Set Constraints (LICS 1996) More Information...
Neal Glew
- Paper: Limin Jia Frances Spalding David Walker Neal Glew
Certifying Compilation for a Language with Stack Allocation (LICS 2005) More Information...
Gobel, R.
- Paper: Droste, M. Gobel, R.
Universal domains in the theory of denotational semantics of programming languages (LICS 1990) More Information...
Patrice Godefroid
- Paper: Patrice Godefroid Pierre Wolper
A partial approach to model checking (LICS 1991) More Information... - Paper: Patrice Godefroid David E. Long
Symbolic Protocol Verification with Queue BDDs (LICS 1996) More Information... - Paper: Glenn Bruns Patrice Godefroid
Temporal Logic Query Checking (LICS 2001) More Information... - Paper: Luca de Alfaro Patrice Godefroid Radha Jagadeesan
Three-Valued Abstractions of Games: Uncertainty, but with Precision (LICS 2004) More Information... - Paper: Patrice Godefroid Michael Huth
Model Checking Vs. Generalized Model Checking: Semantic Minimizations for Temporal Logics (LICS 2005) More Information...
Guillem Godoy
- Paper: Miquel Bofill Guillem Godoy Robert Nieuwenhuis Albert Rubio
Paramodulation with Non-Monotonic Orderings (LICS 1999) More Information... - Paper: Guillem Godoy Robert Nieuwenhuis
Paramodulation with Built-In Abelian Groups (LICS 2000) More Information... - Paper: Guillem Godoy Robert Nieuwenhuis
On Ordering Constraints for Deduction with Built-In Abelian Semigroups, Monoids and Groups (LICS 2001) More Information...
J. C. Godskesen
- Short Presentation: J. C. Godskesen T. Hildebrandt V. Sassone
An Overview of MR, a Calculus of Mobile Resources (LICS 2002) More Information...
Andreas Goerdt
- Paper: Andreas Goerdt
Hoare Logic for Lambda-Terms as Basis of Hoare Logic for Imperative Languages (LICS 1987) More Information...
Goerdt, A.
- Paper: Goerdt, A.
Characterizing complexity classes by higher type primitive recursive definitions (LICS 1989) More Information...
Joseph A. Goguen
- Paper: Joseph A. Goguen José Meseguer
Order-Sorted Algebra solves the Constructor-Selector, Multiple (LICS 1987) More Information...
Goldman, K.J.
- Paper: Goldman, K.J. Lynch, N.A.
Modelling shared state in a shared action model (LICS 1990) More Information...
Gonthier, G.
- Paper: Gonthier, G. Levy, J.-J. Mellies, P.-A.
An abstract standardisation theorem (LICS 1992) More Information... - Paper: Gonthier, G. Abadi, M. Levy, J.-J.
Linear logic without boxes (LICS 1992) More Information...
Georges Gonthier
- Paper: Martín Abadi Cédric Fournet Georges Gonthier
Secure Implementation of Channel Abstractions (LICS 1998) More Information...
Valentin Goranko
- Short Presentation: Valentin Goranko
Infinite State Model Checking in Modal Logic (LICS 2005) More Information...
M. J. C. Gordon
- Invited Talk: C. A. R. Hoare M. J. C. Gordon
Partial correctness of C-MOS switching circuits: an exercise in applied logic (LICS 1988) More Information...
Mike Gordon
- Invited Talk: Mike Gordon
The Semantic Challenge of Verilog HDL (LICS 1995) More Information...
Evan Goris
- Paper: Evan Goris
Looping Caterpillars (LICS 2005) More Information...
Georg Gottlob
- Paper: Georg Gottlob
Relativized Logspace and Generalized Quantifiers Over Finite Structures (LICS 1995) More Information... - Paper: Thomas Eiter Georg Gottlob Yuri Gurevich
Existential Second-Order Logic over Strings (LICS 1998) More Information... - Paper: Georg Gottlob Reinhard Pichler
Working with Arms: Complexity Results on Atomic Representations of Herbrand Models (LICS 1999) More Information... - Invited Talk: Georg Gottlob Christoph Koch
Monadic Queries over Tree-Structured Data (LICS 2002) More Information...
Jean Goubault
- Paper: Jean Goubault
Rigid E-unifiability is DEXPTIME-complete (LICS 1994) More Information...
Jean Goubault-Larrecq
- Paper: Jean Goubault-Larrecq
Ramified Higher-Order Unification (LICS 1997) More Information...
Michal Grabowski
- Paper: Michal Grabowski Hardi Hungar
On the existence of effective Hoare logics (LICS 1988) More Information...
Gradel, E.
- Paper: Gradel, E. McColm, G.L.
Deterministic vs. nondeterministic transitive closure logic (LICS 1992) More Information...
Erich Gradel
- Paper: Erich Gradel Eric Rosen
Two-Variable Descriptions of Regularity (LICS 1999) More Information...
Erich Graedel
- Paper: Erich Graedel Martin Otto Eric Rosen
Two-variable logic with counting is decidable (LICS 1997) More Information... - Paper: Erich Graedel Colin Hirsch Martin Otto
Back and Forth between Guarded and Modal Logics (LICS 2000) More Information...
Jonathan Grattage
- Paper: Thorsten Altenkirch Jonathan Grattage
A Functional Quantum Programming Language (LICS 2005) More Information...
Timothy Griffin
- Paper: Timothy Griffin
Notational definition-a formal account (LICS 1988) More Information...
Martin Grohe
- Paper: Martin Grohe
Large finite structures with few L^k-types (LICS 1997) More Information... - Paper: Martin Grohe
Fixed-Point Logics on Planar Graphs (LICS 1998) More Information... - Paper: Martin Grohe Luc Segoufin
On First-Order Topological Queries (LICS 2000) More Information... - Paper: Markus Frick Martin Grohe
The complexity of first-order and monadic second-order logic revisited (LICS 2002) More Information... - Paper: Markus Frick Martin Grohe Christoph Koch
Query Evaluation on Compressed Trees (Extended Abstract) (LICS 2003) More Information... - Short Presentation: Martin Grohe Christoph Koch
Arb: An Implementation of Selecting Tree Automata for XML Query Processing (LICS 2003) More Information... - Paper: Jörg Flum Martin Grohe
Model-Checking Problems as a Basis for Parameterized Intractability (LICS 2004) More Information... - Paper: Martin Grohe Nicole Schweikardt
The Succinctness of First-Order Logic on Linear Orders (LICS 2004) More Information...
Jan Friso Groote
- Paper: MohammadReza Mousavi Michel Reniers Jan Friso Groote
Congruence for SOS with Data (LICS 2004) More Information...
Marcus Grosser
- Paper: Christel Baier Marcus Grosser
Recognizing ?-regular Languages with Probabilistic Automata (LICS 2005) More Information...
Grove, A.J.
- Paper: Grove, A.J. Halpern, J.Y. Koller, D.
Random worlds and maximum entropy (LICS 1992) More Information...
Stéphanie Grumbach
- Paper: Guy Fayolle Stéphanie Grumbach Chritophe Tollu
Asymptotic probabilities of languages with generalized quantifiers (LICS 1993) More Information...
Orna Grumberg
- Paper: Girish Bhat Rance Cleaveland Orna Grumberg
Efficient On-the-Fly Model Checking for CTL (LICS 1995) More Information...
Erich Grädel
- Paper: Anuj Dawar Erich Grädel
Generalized Quantifiers and 0-1 Laws (LICS 1995) More Information... - Paper: Erich Grädel Igor Walukiewicz
Guarded Fixed Point Logic (LICS 1999) More Information... - Paper: Achim Blumensath Erich Grädel
Automatic Structures (LICS 2000) More Information... - Invited Talk: Erich Grädel Stephan Kreutzer
Will Deflation Lead to Depletion? On Non-Monotone Fixed Point Inductions (LICS 2003) More Information...
Stefano Guerrini
- Paper: Stefano Guerrini
Correctness of Multiplicative Proof Nets is Linear (LICS 1999) More Information...
Bruno Guillaume
- Paper: Philippe de Groote Bruno Guillaume Sylvain Salvati
Vector Addition Tree Automata (LICS 2004) More Information...
Carl A. Gunter
- Paper: Carl A. Gunter
The Largest First-Order-Axiomatizable Cartesian Closed Category of Domains (LICS 1986) More Information... - Paper: Carl A. Gunter Achim Jung
Coherence and consistency in domains (LICS 1988) More Information...
Gunter, C.A.
- Paper: Breazu-Tannen, V. Coquand, T. Gunter, C.A. Scedrov, A.
Inheritance and explicit coercion (LICS 1989) More Information...
Gunter, C.
- Paper: Gehlot, V. Gunter, C.
Normal process representatives (LICS 1990) More Information...
Vineet Gupta
- Paper: Vijay Saraswat Radha Jagadeesan Vineet Gupta
Foundations of timed concurrent constraint programming (LICS 1994) More Information... - Paper: Josée Desharnais Prakash Panangaden Radha Jagadeesan Vineet Gupta
Approximating Labeled Markov Processes (LICS 2000) More Information... - Paper: Josee Desharnais Vineet Gupta Radha Jagadeesan Prakash Panangaden
The Metric Analogue of Weak Bisimulation for Probabilistic Processes (LICS 2002) More Information...
Yuri Gurevich
- Paper: Yuri Gurevich Neil Immerman Saharon Shelah
McColm's conjecture [positive elementary inductions] (LICS 1994) More Information... - Paper: Thomas Eiter Georg Gottlob Yuri Gurevich
Existential Second-Order Logic over Strings (LICS 1998) More Information... - Invited Talk: Yuri Gurevich
Logician in the Land of OS: Abstract State Machines in Microsoft (LICS 2001) More Information... - Paper: Yuri Gurevich Saharon Shelah
Spectra of Monadic Second-Order Formulas with One Unary Function (LICS 2003) More Information...
Arie Gurfinkel
- Short Presentation: Shiva Nejati Arie Gurfinkel
Stuttering Refinement on Partial Systems (LICS 2003) More Information...
Gurr, D.
- Paper: Brown, C. Gurr, D.
A categorical linear framework for Petri nets (LICS 1990) More Information...
Rune Gustavsson
- Paper: Lennart Beckman Rune Gustavsson Annika Wærn
An Algebraic Model of Parallel Execution of Logic Programs (LICS 1986) More Information...
Guzman, J.C.
- Paper: Guzman, J.C. Hudak, P.
Single-threaded polymorphic lambda calculus (LICS 1990) More Information...
Marc Gyssens
- Short Presentation: Bassem Sayrafi Dirk Van Gucht Marc Gyssens
Measures and Measure-Based Constraints (LICS 2005) More Information...