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Presented Papers
Entries are ordered by surname of first author
- Peter Aczel:
Term declaration logic and generalised compositaMore Information... - Fabio Alessi Franco Barbanera:
Toward a semantics for the QUEST languageMore Information... - Philippe Audebaud:
Partial objects in the calculus of constructionsMore Information... - A. Avron J. Hirshfeld:
On first order database query languagesMore Information... - U. Berger H. Schwichtenberg:
An inverse of the evaluation functional for typed λ-calculus More Information... - Maria Luisa Bonet Bonet Samuel R. Buss:
On the deduction rule and the number of proof linesMore Information... - Antonio Bucciarelli Thomas Ehrhard:
Sequentiality and strong stabilityMore Information... - Juanito Camilleri Glynn Winskel:
CCS with priority choiceMore Information... - Rance Cleaveland Amy E. Zwarico:
A theory of testing for real-timeMore Information... - A. Cortesi G. Filé W. Winsborough:
Prop revisited: propositional formula as abstract domain for groundness analysis More Information... - F. de Boer:
A compositional proof system for dynamic process creationMore Information... - Thom Fruhwirth Ehud Shapiro Moshe Y. Vardi Eyal Yardeni:
Logic programs as types for logic programsMore Information... - Patrice Godefroid Pierre Wolper:
A partial approach to model checkingMore Information... - Joshua S. Hodas Dale Miller:
Logic programming in a fragment of intuitionistic linear logicMore Information... - Douglas J. Howe:
On computational open-endedness in Martin-Lof's type theoryMore Information... - Hing-Kai Hung Jeffery I. Zucker:
Semantics of pointers, referencing and dereferencing with intensional logic More Information... - Hardi Hungar:
Complexity bounds of Hoare-style proof systemsMore Information... - Hans Hüttel Colin Stirling:
Actions speak louder than words: proving bisimilarity for context-free processes More Information... - Bengt Jonsson Kim Guldstrand Larsen:
Specification and refinement of probabilistic processesMore Information... - Jean-Pierre Jouannaud Mitsuhiro Okada:
A computation model for executable higher-order algebraic specification languages More Information... - Michael Kifer James Wu:
A first-order theory of types and polymorphism in logic programming More Information... - Nils Klarlund Dexter Kozen:
Rabin measures and their applications to fairness and automata theory More Information... - Dexter Kozen:
A completeness theorem for Kleene algebras and the algebra of regular events More Information... - Y. Lafont T. Streicher:
Games semantics for linear logicMore Information... - Daniel Leviant:
A foundational delineation of computational feasibilityMore Information... - Patrick Lincoln Andre Scedrov Natarajan Shankar:
Linearizing intuitionistic implicationMore Information... - Pasquale Malacaria Laurent Regnier:
Some results on the interpretation of λ-calculus in operator algebras More Information... - Nax Paul Mendler:
Predictive type universes and primitive recursionMore Information... - Chetan R. Murthy:
An evaluation semantics for classical proofsMore Information... - Tobias Nipkow:
Higher-order critical pairsMore Information... - Leszek Pacholski WiesławSzwast:
On the 0-1 law for the class of existential second order minimal Godel sentences with equality More Information... - Doron Peled Shmuel Katz Amir Pnueli:
Specifying and proving serializability in temporal logicMore Information... - Frank Pfenning:
Unification and anti-unification in the calculus of constructions More Information... - Mark Ryan:
Defaults and revision in structured theoriesMore Information... - Rick Statman:
Freyd's hierarchy of combinator monoidsMore Information... - Allen Stoughton:
Parallel PCF has a unique extensional modelMore Information... - Peter J. Stuckey:
Constructive negation for constraint logic programmingMore Information... - Paul Taylor:
The fixed point property in synthetic domain theoryMore Information... - Enrico Tronci:
Equational programming in λ-calculusMore Information... - Fritz W. Vaandrager:
On the relationship between process algebra and input/output automata More Information...
General ChairAlbert R. Meyer (MIT Lab. for Computer Science) Program ChairGiles Kahn Conference ChairRoel de Vrijer (Free University of Amsterdam) Jan Willem Klop (CWI, Amsterdam) Publicity ChairDaniel Leivant (Carnegie-Mellon University) |
Program Committee:Serge Abiteboul; Samson Abramsky; Krysztof Apt; Jan Bergstra; Val Breazu-Tannen; Sam Buss; Robert Constable; Pierre-Louis Curien; Nachum Dershowitz; Peter Dybjer; Ursula Goltz; Giuseppe Longo; Grigori Mints; Andy Pitts; Simona Ronchi Della Rocca; Masahiko Sato; Ehud Shapiro; Berhard Steffen Organizing CommitteeMartin Abadi; Jon Barwise; Ashok Chandra; Robert Constable; Erwin Engeler; Jean Gallier; Joseph Goguen; David Gries; Yuri Gurevich; Susumu Hayahsi; David S. Johnson; Gilles Kahn; Jan Willem Klop; Dexter Kozen; Daniel Leivant; Zohar Manna; Albert R. Meyer; Grigori Mints; John C. Mitchell; Yiannis Moschovakis; Christos Papadimitriou; Rohit Parikh; Gordon D. Plotkin; Grzegorz Rozenberg; Dana Scott; Jerzy Tiuryn; Roel de Vrijer |