Eighteenth Annual IEEE Symposium on

Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2003)

2003-06-22 to 2003-06-25, Ottawa, Canada

On this page:

Invited Speakers

Presented Papers

Entries are ordered by surname of first author

Short Presentations

Entries are ordered by surname of first author


General Chair

Samson Abramsky (Oxford U.)

Program Chair

Phokion G. Kolaitis
Computer Science Department
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Phone : +1 831 459 4768
Fax : +1 831 459 4829

Conference Chair

Amy Felty & Philip Scott
SITE & Math. and Stat.
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5

Publicity Chair

Alex Simpson (U. of Edinburgh)

Program Committee:

Michael Benedikt (Bell Laboratories); Andreas R. Blass (U. of Michigan); Maria Luisa Bonet (UPC, Barcelona); Witold Charatonik (U. of Wroclaw); Marcelo Fiore (U. of Cambridge); Giorgio Ghelli (U. di Pisa); Thomas A. Henzinger (UC Berkeley); Alan Jeffrey (DePaul U.); Assaf J. Kfoury (Boston U.); Phokion G. Kolaitis (UC Santa Cruz); Orna Kupferman (Hebrew U.); Ursula Martin (U. of St Andrews); Paul-André Melliès (CNRS & U. Paris 7); Eugenio Moggi (U. di Genova); Ugo Montanari (U. di Pisa); Paliath Narendran (U. at Albany SUNY); Luke Ong (U. of Oxford & Nat. U. of Singapore); Martin Otto (U. of Wales Swansea); Frank Pfenning (Carnegie Mellon U.); Mirek Truszczynski (U. of Kentucky)

Organizing Committee

M. Abadi; S. Abramsky (chair); R. Constable; N. Dershowitz; A. Felty; H. Ganzinger; H. Gabow; J. Halpern; U. Kohlenbach; P. Kolaitis; D. Leivant; G. Longo; H. Mairson; J. Mitchell; E. Moggi; M. Nielsen; G. Plotkin; V. Pratt; S. Ronchi della Rocca; P.J. Scott; R. Shore; A. Simpson; I.A. Stewart; J. Tiuryn; M.Y. Vardi; G. Winskel

Advisory Board

M. Abadi; S. Abiteboul; M. Dezani; J. Halpern; R. Impagliazzo; D. Kozen; L. Pacholski; A. Scedrov; D. Scott; J. Wing