On this page:
Invited Speakers
- R.L. Constable:
Experience using type theory as a foundation for computer scienceMore Information... - Mike Gordon:
The Semantic Challenge of Verilog HDLMore Information... - Yonit Kesten Amir Pnueli:
A Complete Proof Systems for QPTLMore Information...
Presented Papers
Entries are ordered by surname of first author
- Samson Abramsky Guy McCusker:
Games and Full Abstraction for the Lazy Lambda-CalculusMore Information... - Rajeev Alur Doron Peled Wojciech Penczek:
Model-Checking of causality propertiesMore Information... - Henrik Reif Andersen:
Partial Model CheckingMore Information... - Girish Bhat Rance Cleaveland Orna Grumberg:
Efficient On-the-Fly Model Checking for CTLMore Information... - Ahmed Bouajjani Rachid Echahed Peter Habermehl:
On the Verification Problem of Nonregular Properties for Nonregular ProcessesMore Information... - H. Comon R. Nieuwenhuis A. Rubio:
Orderings, AC-theories and Symbolic Constraint SolvingMore Information... - H. Comon:
Sequentiality, Second-order Monadic Logic and Tree AutomataMore Information... - Anuj Dawar Erich Grädel:
Generalized Quantifiers and 0-1 LawsMore Information... - Daniel J. Dougherty Ramesh Subrahmanyam:
Equality Between Functionals in the Presence of CoproductsMore Information... - Gilles Dowek Therese Hardin Claude Kirchner:
Higher-order Unification via Explicit SubstitutionsMore Information... - Bruno Dutertre:
Complete Proof Systems for First Order Interval Temporal LogicMore Information... - Abbas Edalat:
Domain Theory in Stochastic ProcessesMore Information... - Kousha Etessami Neil Immerman:
Tree Canonization and Transtive ClosureMore Information... - Simon Gay Rajagopal Nagarajan:
A Typed Calculus of Synchronous ProcessesMore Information... - Georg Gottlob:
Relativized Logspace and Generalized Quantifiers Over Finite StructuresMore Information... - Alan Jeffrey:
A Fully Abstract Semantics for a Concurrent Functional Language with Monadic TypesMore Information... - Bengt Jonsson Wang Yi:
Compositional Testing Preorders for Probabilistic ProcessesMore Information... - Max I. Kanovich:
The Complexity of Neutrals in Linear LogicMore Information... - A.J. Kfoury J.B. Wells:
New Notions of Reduction and Non-Semantic Proofs of Strong Beta- Normalization in Typed Lambda CalculiMore Information... - A.P. Kopylov:
Decidability of Linear Affine LogicMore Information... - Orna Kupferman Amir Pnueli:
Once and For AllMore Information... - François Lamarche:
Games Semantics for Full Propositional Linear LogicMore Information... - Patrick Lincoln Natarajan Shankar Andre Scedrov:
Decision Problems For Second-Order Linear LogicMore Information... - G. Loop K. Milsted S. Soloviev:
A logic of subtypingMore Information... - James F. Lynch Jerzy Tyszkiewicz:
The Infinitary Logic of Sparse Random GraphsMore Information... - Christopher Lynch:
Paramodulation without DuplicationMore Information... - V. W. Marek A. Nerode J.B. Remmel:
Complexity of Normal Default Logic and Related Modes of Nonmonotonic ReasoningMore Information... - Marino Miculan Fabio Gadducci:
Modal µ-Types for ProcessesMore Information... - Alex Mifsud Robin Milner John Power:
Control StructuresMore Information... - G. Nadathur D.W. Loveland:
Uniform proofs and disjunctive logic programmingMore Information... - Martin Otto:
Ptime Canonization for Two Variables with CountingMore Information... - Erik Palmgren Viggo Stoltenberg-Hansen:
Logically Presented DomainsMore Information... - Jan Paredaens Jan Van den Bussche Dirk Van Gucht:
First-Order Queries on Finite Structures Over the RealsMore Information... - Frank Pfenning:
Structural Cut EliminationMore Information... - Adolfo Piperno:
Normalization and ExtensionalityMore Information... - Vaughan R. Pratt:
The Stone Gamut: A Coordinatization of MathematicsMore Information... - Anil Seth:
When do Fixed Point Logics Capture Complexity Classes?More Information... - Alex K. Simpson:
Compositionality via Cut-Elimination: Hennessy-Milner Logic for an Arbitrary GSOSMore Information... - Alexei P. Stolboushkin:
Finitely Monotone PropertiesMore Information... - Boris Trakhtenbrot:
Origins and Metamorphoses of The Trinity: Logic, Nets, AutomataMore Information... - Enrico Tronci:
Hardware Verification, Boolean Logic Programming, Boolean Functional ProgrammingMore Information... - R.J. Van Glabbeek G.D. Plotkin:
Configuration StructuresMore Information... - M.Y. Vardi:
On the complexity of modular model checkingMore Information... - Igor Walukiewicz:
Completeness of Kozen's Axiomatisation of the Propositional Mu-CalculusMore Information... - Farn Wang:
Timing behavior analysis for real-time systemsMore Information...
General ChairMoshe Y. Vardi Program ChairDexter Kozen Conference ChairSamuel R. Buss Jeffery B. Remmel |
Program Committee:Martin Abadi (DEC); Leo Bachmair (SUNY Stony Brook); Carolyn Brown (Univ. of Sussex); Edmund Clarke (CMU); E. Allen Emerson (UT Austin); Ursula Goltz (Univ. of Hildesheim); Thomas Henzinger (Cornell); Phokion Kolaitis (UC Santa Cruz); Dexter Kozen (chair) (Cornell); Dale Miller (Univ. of Pennsylvania); C.-H. Luke Ong (Oxford and Natl. Univ. Singapore); A. P. Sistla, Univ. of Illinois (Chicago); Val Tannen (Univ. of Pennsylvania and Univ. of Paris-Sud); Jerzy Tiuryn (Univ. of Warsaw) |