Paper: A Typed Calculus of Synchronous Processes (at LICS 1995)
Authors: Simon Gay Rajagopal NagarajanAbstract
We propose a typed calculus of synchronous processes based on the structure of interaction categories. Our aim has been to develop a calculus for concurrency that is canonical in the sense that the typed lambda-calculus is canonical for functional computation. We show strong connections between syntax, logic and semantics, analogous to the familiar correspondence between the typed lambda- calculus, intuitionistic logic and cartesian closed categories.
@InProceedings{GayNagarajan-ATypedCalculusofSyn, author = {Simon Gay and Rajagopal Nagarajan}, title = {A Typed Calculus of Synchronous Processes}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth Annual IEEE Symp. on Logic in Computer Science, {LICS} 1995}, year = 1995, editor = {Dexter Kozen}, month = {June}, pages = {210-220}, location = {San Diego, CA, USA}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press} }