Laboratory for Foundations
of Computer Science
.NET lab

Microsoft links

The .NET lab was set up with a grant of £10k from Microsoft Research Cambridge. The purpose of the funding is to stimulate research projects where .NET is a relevant technology; and in particular support preparatory investigations for full research grant applications.

For more background, see the original grant proposal submitted to Microsoft.

Funding for research

Microsoft Research (MSR) give money to academic research projects in Universities: their website offers some examples of such research collaborations. To apply for a grant, in the first instance contact MSR University Relations in Cambridge; although for large amounts or international collaborations you could try MSR in Redmond directly.

Software for students

Informatics has a paid subscription to the Microsoft Developer Network Academic Alliance (MSDN AA). This supplies us with a complete library of Microsoft development software: multiple versions of Windows, Visual Studio, .NET SDK etc. The software is regularly updated, and we can make copies for teaching or research. In answer to everyone's first two questions:

  • Yes, this means that any student or staff member can have a copy of Windows XP Professional at no cost.
  • No, "productivity" applications like MS Office are not included.

More details are provided in the list of software included and summary of acceptable use.


Microsoft Research organise several events for academics, usually in Cambridge, at which they make a genuine effort to get actual researchers to do the talking. Usually the proceedings are available on DVD, with technical papers and seminar videos. If you want to go to a future event, contact Ian Stark about getting an invitation.


Fabien Petitcolas
University Relations UK/Ireland
Microsoft Research Cambridge

David Chalmers
Academic Program Manager
Microsoft .NET Developer Group